Monday, December 10, 2018

A Pattern-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Skeletal Muscle Biopsies

Chunyu (Hunter) Cai, MD, PhD
Chunyu (Hunter) Cai, Douglas Anthony, and Peter Pytel have authored a wonderfully useful review article in Modern Pathology entitled A Pattern-Based Approach to the Interpretation of Skeletal Muscle Biopsies. Dr. Cai wrote the following to me: "In this review, we take a pathology-friendly approach and categorize muscle biopsies into 6  morphologic groups, and discuss common differential diagnoses for each group. I think this review fills a void that there is not a good quick guide for NP fellows, residents and even neuropathologists who don’t sign out muscle cases on a routine base." Thanks, Drs. Cai, Anthony, and Pytel for a review article that will be a fixture on the desks of many neuropathologists in the coming years!

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