The next in our "Best of the Month" series is from August 9, 2012:
A 74-year-old woman with a history of a seizure disorder had been
followed for several years with a stable and unsymptomatic left
parasagittal dural-based brain tumor presumed to be a benign meningioma.
Recently, though, the lesion increased in size and hemorrhaged, leaving
her significantly paretic on the right side. Neurosurgery thereupon
performed a craniotomy for tumor removal. Intraoperative frozen section
diagnosis was meningioma. But, upon receipt of the permanent sections, I
was impressed by the staghorn vessels at low power and
hemangiopericytoma immediately came to mind.
Staghorn vessels prominent in region below dot marks |
Psammoma body consistent with original impression that this was simply a meningioma |
Whirled architecture consistent with meningioma |
I was obviously dealing with a meningioma, but something else was going
on in that area featuring the staghorn vessels. This region exhibited a
different histomorphology:
Clear cells |
High-power view of clear cell portion of specimen |
This dual morphology puzzled me. I then discovered that back in 2003 the
patient had undergone a radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma.
Surgical margins of the nephrectomy specimen were free of tumor. I
retrieved the 2003 nephrectomy specimen, which looked quite similar to
the clear cell portion of the brain tumor:
Nephrectomy specimen from 2003 showing renal cell carcinoma, clear cell type |
I thereupon went back to the brain tumor specimen and did some
immunohistochemical stains, including RCC for suspected renal cell
carcinoma metastasis:
Positive RCC Immunohistochemistry |
I had a case of renal cell carcinoma metastatic to a meningioma! Such a case had been reported in the literature before:
Han, HS, et al. Metastatic renal cell carcinoma in a meningioma: a case report. J Korean Med Sci. 2000 October 15 (5):593-597.
Here's case number two!
Follow-up: The patient received radiation to the tumor bed and is recovering.