The following is an email sent out this week from Bernardino
Ghetti, MD, neuropathologist at Indiana University:
Ghetti, MD |
October 2010, I had the distinct privilege to host the 7th International
Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias in Indianapolis, Indiana. Hundreds
of you from around the world participated in this exciting meeting.
the social relevance of frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is recognized, we have lacked
a scientific international society devoted to the exchange of knowledge on FTD,
facilitation of scientific cooperation, promotion of education, and planning of
logistics and financial support. As you may remember, the idea of
organizing an international scientific society of FTD researchers was launched
during the 7th International Conference. This concept obtained
an enthusiastic response.
that time, many of you have been asking about the status of the society. I
am happy to announce that the legal documents have been filed and the
International Society for Frontotemporal Dementias has been founded. The
current board of directors is composed of the following scientists:
Brun MD, PhD
David Knopman MD
PhD Ian
Mackenzie MD
Bernardino Ghetti
Marsel Mesulam MD
Murray Grossman
MD Bruce
Miller MD
Gustafson MD, PhD Manuela
Neumann MD
John Hodges MD,
PhD Rosa Rademakers
Kertesz MD
Julie Snowden PhD
John van Swieten MD
is still work to be done, but the society is taking shape and we are currently looking
for funding to support a website. The society will facilitate scientific exchanges
between researchers involved in all areas of clinical and basic neuroscience
related to frontotemporal dementias and promote scientific discoveries. As
we prepare to open the society for membership, our hope is to reach all of you
who have been an active part of the progress for the understanding of FTD and
the care of people affected by this devastating disease. Our next step is
to develop a website and facilitate the application for membership. The
membership fee will be $200. Please let us know if you are interested in
being a part of the International Society for Frontotemporal Dementias, or
would also be interested in serving as part of a committee.
am truly convinced that this is a necessary step for the advancement of our
knowledge of FTD. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Ghetti, MD
the Board of the International Society for Frontotemporal Dementias