Today I feature a guest post from the esteemed Dr. Mike Lawlor regarding the job fair held at last week's annual meeting of the American Association of Neuropathologists (AANP):
Michael W. Lawlor, MD, PhD |
As many of you know, this year’s AANP meeting in Seattle included a job fair, and I’d like to extend my gratitude once again to Arie Perry, Steve Moore, and Brian Moore for their efforts in organizing the event. As an attendee of this job fair, I’ve compiled some very brief descriptions of the jobs that were described there, which are shown below. In addition, several institutions that could not attend sent me brief summaries of their positions, which I have also synopsized below. Overall, it seemed like the job fair went very well, and I’d like to thank the representatives of these hiring institutions for their involvement in the event. Good luck to the applicants and potential employers alike.
The following institutions (in alphabetical order) either presented or sent emails about the job fair and described the following positions and areas of interest. Even if your area of interest differs from that described, I’d encourage you to contact these institutions, since many of them expressed a willingness to be flexible on a number of things.
Case Western: Their job search is still open, and they are interested in a research-oriented neuropathologist. The amount of clinical work can be very flexible, and a person could be 100% research if they wanted. They are very well set up for a person interested in tumors, but would be flexible in terms of research interest.
Johns Hopkins: Their job search is still open, and they are interested in a research-oriented neuropathologist (~75%) who is interested in neurodegeneration. The point was also made that you must also be a nice person, so keep that in mind…
Ohio State: Their job search is still open, and they are interested in a research-oriented neuropathologist (~75%), with no specific field of interest specified. It sounded as if they might be flexible on a number of issues.
Texas Children’s Hospital: Their job search is still open, and they are interested in a research-oriented neuropathologist with an interest in pediatric disease. Specifically, an interest in development would be ideal.
UC Davis: Their job search is still open, and the primary round of applications was reviewed on June 30th.
UCSF: Their job search is still open, and they are interested in a research-oriented neuropathologist (~75% research) who is interested in neurodegeneration.
UW Madison: Announced an opening for a research oriented neuropathologist with an interest in neurodegeneration. They will formally announce the position and details soon.
Virginia Mason Medical Center: Their job search is still open, and they are looking for a clinically oriented neuropathologist who would like to sign out neuropath and surgical path. It sounds as if the majority of their volume is general surgical path, but that they would really like to get a neuropathologist for the neuro cases that come through the service.
Thank you, Mike, for your hard work on organizing this jobs fair. By the way, Dr. Lawlor himself has been successful in his recent job search, landing a staff position at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin starting in September. He is currently finishing up a research fellowship at Children's Hospital Boston.