I discuss issues pertaining to the practice of neuropathology -- including nervous system tumors, neuroanatomy, neurodegenerative disease, muscle and nerve disorders, ophthalmologic pathology, neuro trivia, neuropathology gossip, job listings and anything else that might be of interest to a blue-collar neuropathologist.
Friday, December 25, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Chordoid glioma of the third ventricle in a 67-year-old male
The origin of these rare tumors have recently been linked to other midline TTF1-expressing tumors deriving from the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Please show your gratitude to outgoing AANP Business Manager Peggy Harris
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The Incomparable Peggy Harris |
An important message from Mark Cohen, MD and Kathy Newell, MD:Peggy
Harris needs no introduction to members of the American Association of Neuropathologists, as over the past 13 years she has supported
and guided most of us (including the Executive Council and Committee Chairs)
through the often confusing mechanics and byways of the society's functions,
and has been instrumental in facilitating every aspect of our Annual Meetings,
from abstract submission to registration to finding other members to making
sure that everyone got CME credits. It would be almost impossible to list
everything that Peggy has done for the AANP during her tenure with us. Pardon
the neuropathological pun, but it would not be hyperbole to say that Peggy has
been both our pia mater and glia during her tenure with the Association.
Peggy recently learned that she will no longer be assisting the AANP membership in the new year. Many of us will be sad to see her go, and will miss her at our Annual Meetings. For those who wish to contribute to a monetary gift of appreciation and support honoring Peggy's many contributions to the AANP, we have set up this special farewell fund.
This is not an official AANP-sponsored fundraiser. All proceeds donated to this fund will go directly to Peggy to show our gratitude to her. Please join us in showing how much we appreciate all that she has done for each of us individually and for the AANP as a whole. Thanks.
Peggy recently learned that she will no longer be assisting the AANP membership in the new year. Many of us will be sad to see her go, and will miss her at our Annual Meetings. For those who wish to contribute to a monetary gift of appreciation and support honoring Peggy's many contributions to the AANP, we have set up this special farewell fund.
This is not an official AANP-sponsored fundraiser. All proceeds donated to this fund will go directly to Peggy to show our gratitude to her. Please join us in showing how much we appreciate all that she has done for each of us individually and for the AANP as a whole. Thanks.
Friday, December 11, 2015
"I’m a neuropathologist with a glioblastoma": A guest post from Susan M Staugaitis, MD, PhD
I’m a neuropathologist with a glioblastoma. How ironic is that? For 17 years, my skill in making this
diagnosis has been a major part of my job. I know more about the biology of my disease
than most of the physicians involved in my care. And suddenly, within two weeks, my life
expectancy changed from 30+ years to 2-5.
My reality has changed.
If I'm freaking you out, you are not alone. I'm freaking everybody out. I haven’t had such a good excuse to be so
“frontal lobe” since I was a teenager. In
the past five months, I have become so accustomed to my diagnosis and disabilities
that I blurt it out to store clerks when explaining why I’m seeking a
particular good or service. I know the
song I want to hear over and over again as I cross to the other side. Would you expect anything less from someone
who looks a lot better than her scan?
I cope by trying to stay realistic and in the moment. I try to extract anything and everything that
is positive from my experience today and defer to tomorrow all thoughts that won’t
matter until then. It’s not much
different from the days when I lived in southern California, not worrying about
the “big one” that could hit anytime, but keeping myself prepared nevertheless.
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Dr. Staugaitis wearing the Novocure Optune electric field generator as part of her treatment |
But, any gambler will tell you that the odds depend on the
game. I think sports gambling is most
relevant to me and my diagnosis. In sports gambling, it is all in the point spread. You can win when your team loses and lose when
your team wins.
Neuropathologists have inside information in this respect. We look at the location of the lesion, at the
histology in the microscope, at the molecular profile, and the combination
gives us a pretty good idea of how to place our bet. No emotions or wishful thinking here; we’ve
got data. As scientists, we are
obligated to describe the data accurately and analyze it objectively. In fact, if we are to gain and maintain the
respect of our peers, we cannot ignore any data, no matter how much we dislike it,
no matter how much it conflicts with our view of how the world should be. And as writers, we find the words that
communicate our interpretations as definitively and positively as possible
without being incorrect.
Then it is time to sit back and watch the game, wait for the
final score. Did my bet beat the spread?
And regardless of the game’s outcome, there will always be
another game: new questions, new data to acquire. So we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off,
and start all over again.
Retired Consultant Staff,
Departments of Pathology and Neurosciences, Cleveland Clinic
Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Molecular Medicine
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College
of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Renowned neuropathologist Peter Burger set to retire at the end of this month
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Peter C. Burger, MD |
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Not allowing kids to play football is "our moral duty": Bennet Omalu, MD
In a recent New York Times opinion piece, pathologist Bennet Omalu strongly endorsed a policy that children should not play football. Here are excerpts from his essay:
"We've known since 1964 that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health. We’ve known for more than 40 years that alcohol damages the developing brain of a child. We’ve known since the mid-70s that asbestos causes cancer and other serious diseases. Knowing what we know now, we do not smoke in enclosed public spaces like airplanes; we have passed laws to keep children from smoking or drinking alcohol; and we do not use asbestos as an industrial product.

"If a child who plays football is subjected to advanced radiological and neurocognitive studies during the season and several months after the season, there can be evidence of brain damage at the cellular level of brain functioning, even if there were no documented concussions or reported symptoms. If that child continues to play over many seasons, these cellular injuries accumulate to cause irreversible brain damage, which we know now by the name Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or C.T.E., a disease that I first diagnosed in 2002."
It should be noted that the CTE brain bank at Boston University found evidence of CTE in the brains of 131 out of 165 athletes who played professional, college, or high school football. In other words, based on this sample size, the risk of getting CTE from playing football for a relatively extended period is higher than the risk of getting lung cancer from smoking.
Since we have a legal age at which individuals are allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, and drive, it stands to reason that engaging in an activity that is likely to cause brain damage should also only be engaged in by individuals old enough to make an informed decision, says Omalu.
Thanks to Dr. Chad Vanderbilt for alerting me to this article.
"We've known since 1964 that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health. We’ve known for more than 40 years that alcohol damages the developing brain of a child. We’ve known since the mid-70s that asbestos causes cancer and other serious diseases. Knowing what we know now, we do not smoke in enclosed public spaces like airplanes; we have passed laws to keep children from smoking or drinking alcohol; and we do not use asbestos as an industrial product.

"If a child who plays football is subjected to advanced radiological and neurocognitive studies during the season and several months after the season, there can be evidence of brain damage at the cellular level of brain functioning, even if there were no documented concussions or reported symptoms. If that child continues to play over many seasons, these cellular injuries accumulate to cause irreversible brain damage, which we know now by the name Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or C.T.E., a disease that I first diagnosed in 2002."
It should be noted that the CTE brain bank at Boston University found evidence of CTE in the brains of 131 out of 165 athletes who played professional, college, or high school football. In other words, based on this sample size, the risk of getting CTE from playing football for a relatively extended period is higher than the risk of getting lung cancer from smoking.
Since we have a legal age at which individuals are allowed to smoke, drink alcohol, and drive, it stands to reason that engaging in an activity that is likely to cause brain damage should also only be engaged in by individuals old enough to make an informed decision, says Omalu.
Thanks to Dr. Chad Vanderbilt for alerting me to this article.
Friday, December 4, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The Mercado Brain Cutting Device launched at the University of Colorado
Thanks to a hand-made gift from University of Alabama neuropathology fellow Juan Mercado, MD, our residents on autopsy rotation this month had the opportunity yesterday to inaugurate the use of The Mercado Brain Cutting Device (MBCD). Made from tools easily found at any hardware store, the device allows prosectors to make reliably even 1-cm thick coronal brain slices for optimal demonstration of gross anatomy and pathology. University of Colorado pathology residents Abby Richmond, MD (PGY-III) and Sammie Roberts, MD (PGY-I) used the device to great advantage as demonstrated by the exquisitely presented brain slices laid out for inspection.
Much appreciation to Dr. Mercado for gifting this device, which he describes as a "limited edition (1 or 1)", to our department. We will undoubtedly have more meticulous brain cutting sessions henceforth thanks to Dr. Mercado's efforts.
Dr. Sammie Roberts with the MBCD |
Dr. Abby Richmond makes the first cut |
Sections are even and uniform in thickness |
The finished product |
Drs. Moore, Richmond, and Roberts (left to right) examining the coronal sections |
Much appreciation to Dr. Mercado for gifting this device, which he describes as a "limited edition (1 or 1)", to our department. We will undoubtedly have more meticulous brain cutting sessions henceforth thanks to Dr. Mercado's efforts.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
A 60-year-old woman with a left occipitotemporal brain lesion
We were sent this case in consultation to rule out infiltrating neoplasm. The diagnosis is amyloid beta related angiitis (ABRA). In this case, no infarction was present in the specimen, but white matter rarefaction (the presumed pathologic correlate to the leukoaraiosis reported on imaging) is present.
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Granulomatous vasculitis associated with pink hyaline material in vessel walls |
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pink hyaline material is shown to be beta-amyloid by immunohistochemistry
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White matter rarefaction (upper half of picture) correlating with leukoaraiosis seen on imaging |
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Best Post of June 2015: First Day at 2015 American Association of Neuropathologists Meeting - The Special Course
The next in our "Best of the Month" series comes from 11 June 2015, where we harken back to the first day at the American Association of Neuropathologists (AANP) annual meeting held in my newly adopted home of Denver, Colorado:
The "Special Course" which typically launches the annual AANP meeting was anything but typical this year. Rather than the usual series of research presentations which has characterized the first day of the meeting, the 2015 edition of the "Special Course" focused on need-to-know practical topics. Dr. Beatriz Lopes put together a program that offered something for everyone -- from trainee to seasoned practitioner. The morning started with a presentation by Dr. Caterina Giannini on primary CNS lymphoma, as well as its mimickers and precursors. Far from being a straightforward diagnosis, lymphoma -- particularly in the setting of corticosteroid therapy -- can be mistaken for anything from multiple sclerosis to infarct. Next, two eminent scholars from Paris, Drs. Francoise Gray and Elisabeth Tournier-Lasserve, presented a three-part lecture on the hereditary non-amyloid small vessel diseases of the brain. Then Charles Eberhart showed up from Johns Hopkins to provide a primer on ophthalmic pathology, providing a practical approach to eye specimens. For example, Dr. Eberhart discussed the significance of uveal granulomatosis in orbital exenteration specimens. The presence of this finding should be noted in the pathology report as it portends an increased risk for sympathetic ophthalmia. Dr. Arie Perry appeared next with a presentation on the molecular characterization of brain tumors using immunohistochemical surrogates -- an approach particularly appreciated by neuropathologists who work at smaller institutions which may not have the resources to perform sequencing and other more advanced laboratory tests. After lunch, the focus was redirected to neuropathology training. Drs. Marc Del Bigio and Suzanne Powell discussed the state of neuropathology training abroad and in the United States, respectively. Finally, a lively discussion was initiated by a panel featuring Drs. Jeff Golden, Dennis Dickson, Liz Cochran, and myself organized under the title "The Professional Market for Neuropathology Trainees". Several audience members talked about their view of the profession and how its many facets are reflected in the training we give fellows and how that training impacts the preparedness of trainees for the job market. Overall, it was engaging day which, as audience member John Donahue put it, was "well worth the price of admission!"
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Best Post of May 2015: "Bad Ass" CrossFitter and Neuropathologist Greg Fuller set to compete in kettlebell competition for brain cancer research
The next in our "Best of the Month" Series comes from Wednesday, May 20, 2015:
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Elite Neuropathologist |
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Elite Athlete |
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Best Post of April 2015 - The Tumor Biomarker Series: BRAF
The next in our "Best of the Month" series comes from Tuesday, April 28, 2015:
BRAF gene (v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B)
BRAF+ IHC (correlates with V600E mutation) in ganglioglioma |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma in 22-year-old male with eyelid droop
This lesion was arising from the nasal sinuses but was growing into the anterior skull base and pushing into the left orbitofrontal region. At first low-power glance, I thought it was a bread-and-butter psammomatous meningioma. But it revealed itself when targeted with a 20X objective lens:
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Brain Tumor Rhapsody by Dr. Arie Perry
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Arie Perry, MD |
I have written about Dr. Arie Perry's incredible musical talent before, and how he has applied it to neuropathology education. Well, he's brought that talent to a whole new level through a collaboration with the San Francisco Bay Area's vocal ensemble Musaic. With Virchow as his muse, Arie outlines major biomarkers in the diagnosis of CNS tumors. This magnum opus is called Brain Tumor Rhapsody, and its Dr. Perry's first-ever educational music video.This is an epic musical and neuropathological achievement! Many thanks to Dr. Gabrielle Yeaney of the Cleveland Clinic for alerting me to this remarkable video. Check it out on YouTube!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Heterotopic neuron in a patient with epilepsy
The patient is a 22-year-old female with intractable epilepsy who underwent resection of an epileptogenic region of the left lateral temporal lobe. In addition to mild cortical dyslamination (not depicted) and Chaslin's subpial gliosis (pinkish band on top surface of brain in photomicrograph), there were an increased number of individual heterotopic neurons within the neocortical molecular layer. The heterotopic neuron pictured below is also disoriented, with its axon projecting tangentially rather than perpendicularly to the the pial surface.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Best Post of March 2015: The asinine reason why the name JCD was converted to CJD
The next in our "Best of the Month" series is from March 25, 2015.
"Alfons Jakob wrote a paper in 1921 describing several cases of progressive dementia with widespread neuronal loss in the brain. A year earlier, Hans Creutzfeldt had described the brain of a woman who died after a prolonged series of seizures. He found widespread vacuolation, but some medical scientists believe that his patient died of a seizure disorder complicated by hypoxic brain damage and doubt that she had what became known as CJD. So why did the named Jakob and Creutzfeldt become flipped in an important report on the disease, regarding the transmission to a chimpanzee? Twenty years passed before I found the answer, in conversation with Gibbs. 'When I was writing my first paper on the transmission of Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease to an ape,' he told me, 'I wanted to rename the disease Gibbs disease. I didn't think this would be acceptable to the scientific and medical communities, so I decided to reverse the names, because my first name is Clarence and my middle name is Joseph and my initials are C.J.' Thus did the diease become known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or CJD for short - a case of mind-boggling scientific mischief."
A remarkable case ofhubris, although from what I hear about Prusiner, he is not one to point fingers at those who grasp credit for the work of others.Gajdusek, also a Nobel prize winner, once wrote inhis diary the following about Prusiner:
""I never heard a word of original thought from you nor read such ideas in anything you authored for which I did not recognize immediately its source, which you always went out of your way to obscure. You a heretic? You a martyr? You a defender of unacceptable ideas? Bullshit! You shrewdly jumped onto a bandwagon of creative ideas and experimental work and shrewdly got on to the winning cart, proclaiming outrageously in press and media it was yours! I respect you less and less as your despicable game succeeds and you bask in your coveted fame."
But then again, Gajdusek himself, who died in 2008 at age 85, was no paragon of virtue.In the course of his research trips in the South Pacific to study kuru , Gajdusek had brought 56 mostly male children back to live with him in the United States, and provided them with the opportunity to receive high school and college education. He was later accused by one of these, now an adult man, of molesting him as a child. In fact, seven men testified in confidentiality about Gajdusek having had sex with them when they were boys. Gajdusek was charged with child molestation in April 1996, based on incriminating entries in his personal diary and statements from a victim. He pleaded guilty in 1997 and, under a plea bargain, was sentenced to 12 months in jail. After his release in 1998, he was permitted to serve his five-year unsupervised probation in Europe. He never returned to the United States and ultimately died in Norway.
Originally referred to as Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease (and believed by many to rightfully be called simply Jakob's disease), we now refer to this prion disease as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Why? It all stems from a Dr. C. Joseph Gibbs, a colleague of D. Carleton Gajdusek's at the National Institutes of Health, who worked on this disease back in the 1960's. Here's the explanation, lifted from Nobel laureate Stanley Prusiner's Madness and Memory: The Discovery of Prions - A New Biological Principle of Disease:
"Alfons Jakob wrote a paper in 1921 describing several cases of progressive dementia with widespread neuronal loss in the brain. A year earlier, Hans Creutzfeldt had described the brain of a woman who died after a prolonged series of seizures. He found widespread vacuolation, but some medical scientists believe that his patient died of a seizure disorder complicated by hypoxic brain damage and doubt that she had what became known as CJD. So why did the named Jakob and Creutzfeldt become flipped in an important report on the disease, regarding the transmission to a chimpanzee? Twenty years passed before I found the answer, in conversation with Gibbs. 'When I was writing my first paper on the transmission of Jakob-Creutzfeldt disease to an ape,' he told me, 'I wanted to rename the disease Gibbs disease. I didn't think this would be acceptable to the scientific and medical communities, so I decided to reverse the names, because my first name is Clarence and my middle name is Joseph and my initials are C.J.' Thus did the diease become known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, or CJD for short - a case of mind-boggling scientific mischief."
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Gibbs (left) and Gajdusek with a New Guinea kuru patient in 1972. |
A remarkable case ofhubris, although from what I hear about Prusiner, he is not one to point fingers at those who grasp credit for the work of others.Gajdusek, also a Nobel prize winner, once wrote inhis diary the following about Prusiner:
""I never heard a word of original thought from you nor read such ideas in anything you authored for which I did not recognize immediately its source, which you always went out of your way to obscure. You a heretic? You a martyr? You a defender of unacceptable ideas? Bullshit! You shrewdly jumped onto a bandwagon of creative ideas and experimental work and shrewdly got on to the winning cart, proclaiming outrageously in press and media it was yours! I respect you less and less as your despicable game succeeds and you bask in your coveted fame."
But then again, Gajdusek himself, who died in 2008 at age 85, was no paragon of virtue.In the course of his research trips in the South Pacific to study kuru , Gajdusek had brought 56 mostly male children back to live with him in the United States, and provided them with the opportunity to receive high school and college education. He was later accused by one of these, now an adult man, of molesting him as a child. In fact, seven men testified in confidentiality about Gajdusek having had sex with them when they were boys. Gajdusek was charged with child molestation in April 1996, based on incriminating entries in his personal diary and statements from a victim. He pleaded guilty in 1997 and, under a plea bargain, was sentenced to 12 months in jail. After his release in 1998, he was permitted to serve his five-year unsupervised probation in Europe. He never returned to the United States and ultimately died in Norway.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
The next edition of the World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System will feature a new, separate ependymoma subtype: RELA fusion-positive ependymoma. RELA fusion
refers to the juxtaposition of the RELA
gene (the principle effector of NF-кB signaling which controls DNA transcription
and cell survival) to the poorly characterized C11orf95 gene. Fusion of these two genes is brought about by chromothripsis, a term first coined in
2011 that literally means "chromosome shattering". Chromothripsis
occurs when chromosomal segments first fragment into many pieces and then get
stitched back together in random order by DNA repair processes. Seen in the
setting of some malignancies, chromothripsis in a particular segment of chromosome 11 can
result in C11orf95-RELA fusion, which
in turn drives oncogenic NF-кB signaling in ependymoma.
Although chromothripsis is a novel model for oncogenesis, it does not necessarily contradict more established models of progressive cancer development as there is no definitive proof that chromothripsis has to occur as a single catastrophic event. Nevertheless, this is a fascinating area of research which will undoubtedly yield more insights into the progression of at least a subset of cancers.
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Chromothripsis (literally meaning "chromosomal shattering") can drive oncogenesis |
Although chromothripsis is a novel model for oncogenesis, it does not necessarily contradict more established models of progressive cancer development as there is no definitive proof that chromothripsis has to occur as a single catastrophic event. Nevertheless, this is a fascinating area of research which will undoubtedly yield more insights into the progression of at least a subset of cancers.
Monday, September 28, 2015
The Brain -- as explained by John Cleese
Finally, it has become clear to me now:
Thanks to Dr. Ann Thor for directing me to this concise explanation of the brain and its connections.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Guest Post: How to make your own brain cutting board
Today I am fortunate to host a guest blogger, Dr. Juan Mercado, who is a neuropathology fellow at the University of Alabama at Birmingham under the guidance of Drs. Robert Hackney and Kenneth Fallon. Dr. Mercado studied music from a young age and went to a specialized school of
music in San Juan, Puerto Rico; but during college he decided to exchange music
for medicine and attend the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. He has not, however, abandoned his creative approach to the subject matter at hand; in this case, cutting autopsy brains. His guest post follows:
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Juan J. Mercado, MD (neuropathology fellow at UAB 2015-17) |
A while ago, as a pathology resident, I was temporarily
in charge of organizing the weekly brain cutting activity. During this event I always felt a little bothered by the
unpredictability and irregularity that occurred with each cut and the
variability of results with each different person trying to pursue the same
goal. I
decided to do some research trying to find more information
about how brain grossing examination was
done in different places. To my amazement, I found out about a brain tissue bank in the United Kingdom that performed their coronal sections with the help of a
tool. This tool enabled them to create perfect
fine cuts every time to perform a complete meticulous evaluation. After knowing
about this, I was highly motivated to perform a DIY project. As I
optimistically anticipated, the results were excellent. I made the tool using materials
that I could easily find in any hardware store. This new and improved tool
could now be made by anyone interested in having the same results.
Straight cabinet
they come in different diameters, meaning a different brain slice thickness can
be created depending on this diameter. Also they come in different lengths.
Choose a length proportionate to the size of the cutting board you select.
These bars always come with the screws included. (Fig. 2)
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Figure 2 |
Drill: to make four holes
Rubber O-ring washers: not necessary, but
I use them just for the preservation of the tool, preventing liquids or tissue
to enter in the drilled holes (Fig. 3)
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Figure 3 |
Rubber chair legs (to elevate the
board from a surface and to hold its placement) (Fig. 4)
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Figure 4 |
With the above
materials you can create the basic version that will permit you to create cuts
of only one predetermined thickness based on the diameter of the bar you
select. You can also have an add-on to be able to do thinner cuts with the same
board, but it is not necessary.
Thanks, Dr. Mercado. I have often thought about how nice it would be to have a tool that could simplify and standardize braincutting. I am hoping he builds a limited-edition series of these devices and sells them at the next AANP meeting. Since I am not particularly mechanically inclined, I would be the first in line to purchase what I am hereby dubbing "The Mercado Brain Cutting Device"!
it works:
After detaching the
brainstem via an axial cut through the midbrain and then making the first brain
coronal section cut through the middle of the mammillary bodies, proceed as
usual making coronal sections but with the help of the tool
The bars aligned in the way
pictured (Fig. 5) serve to hold in place any brain size firmly while cutting.
Use a rigid knife sliding it above the bars as a guide. In this way the
thickness of the brain sections will be the same as the diameter of the bars
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Figure 5 Advantages |
the same results, not relying on the experience of the person cutting the brain -- meaning standardization.
leveled slices. Option of creating thin slices help in a more meticulous
a pathologic finding is present, such as a big intraparenchymal hemorrhage that
normally disintegrates the brain slice if performed by normal technique; it does
not happen with this tool.
is a lot faster and the cuts are perfect. Less time cutting, more
learning and teaching.
See for yourself…
Optional (need a saw)
A thinner cutting
board cut to fit within the two bars. The diameter of the bar minus the
thickness of this board will be your new brain slice thickness, making the same
board practical for two different thicknesses.
Thanks, Dr. Mercado. I have often thought about how nice it would be to have a tool that could simplify and standardize braincutting. I am hoping he builds a limited-edition series of these devices and sells them at the next AANP meeting. Since I am not particularly mechanically inclined, I would be the first in line to purchase what I am hereby dubbing "The Mercado Brain Cutting Device"!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Best Post of February 2015 - The Perils of Crossing Boundaries in the Interstate Practice of Neuropathology: Real or Imagined?
The next in our "Best of the Month" series comes from February 17, 2015:
A provocative article entitled Crossing Boundaries: A Comprehensive Survey of Medical Licensing Laws and Guidelines Regulating the Interstate Practice of Pathology appeared in March of last year in the American Journal of Surgical Pathology (Am J Surg Pathol 2014;38:e1–e5) which addressed recent judicial interpretations of interstate medical licensure laws. These legal developments are relevant to neuropathologists insofar as we, as a small group of sub-specialists, not uncommonly serve as consultants on surgical cases from outside of our own state. Recent legal judgements have found pathologists guilty of malpractice and even the criminal practice of medicine without a license. Given these recent developments, authors MC Hiemenz, ST Leung, and JY Park surveyed the licensure requirements and laws regulating the interstate practice of pathology. The authors then grouped states according to similarities in legislation and medical board regulations. The survey determined that states define the practice of pathology on the basis of geographic location of the patient at the time of the surgery. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia allow for a physician with an out-of-state license to perform limited consultation to a physician with an in-state license. However, five states prohibit physicians from consulting out of state unless they themselves hold a license in that state. Other states have limited restrictions, such as requiring that the consultation itself occur within the state. The authors conclude that pathogists who either send cases out to consultants in other states or who serve as consultants to out-of-state pathologists should familiarize themselves with the medical licensure laws of the states from which they either send or receive cases. In a November 2014 letter to the editor, Edward O Cousineau, JD, deputy executive director of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, wrote that "the representations in the article, related to how Nevada law applies to out-of-state licensed specialists, are erroneous". In the article, Nevada was represented as being in the category which allows for an out-of-state licensed physician to practice medicine in consultation with an in-state licensed physician, with the additional stipulation that the consultation must occur within the state boundaries. Mr. Cousineau, in representing the Nevada Board, stated that Nevada allows out-of-state consultations without the stipulation that the consultation must occur within state boundaries. Given Nevada's response to the survey, it may be that more states allow out-of-state consultation than the article indicates. Unfortunately, however, the article may have resulted in the unnecessary restriction of certain out-of-state consultations by cautious department chairs
Please comment if you have been impacted by these state licensure issues when either consulting out of state or seeking a consultation from an out-of-state neuropathologist. I'm sure your colleagues would be interested in hearing your story.
A provocative article entitled Crossing Boundaries: A Comprehensive Survey of Medical Licensing Laws and Guidelines Regulating the Interstate Practice of Pathology appeared in March of last year in the American Journal of Surgical Pathology (Am J Surg Pathol 2014;38:e1–e5) which addressed recent judicial interpretations of interstate medical licensure laws. These legal developments are relevant to neuropathologists insofar as we, as a small group of sub-specialists, not uncommonly serve as consultants on surgical cases from outside of our own state. Recent legal judgements have found pathologists guilty of malpractice and even the criminal practice of medicine without a license. Given these recent developments, authors MC Hiemenz, ST Leung, and JY Park surveyed the licensure requirements and laws regulating the interstate practice of pathology. The authors then grouped states according to similarities in legislation and medical board regulations. The survey determined that states define the practice of pathology on the basis of geographic location of the patient at the time of the surgery. Thirty-two states and the District of Columbia allow for a physician with an out-of-state license to perform limited consultation to a physician with an in-state license. However, five states prohibit physicians from consulting out of state unless they themselves hold a license in that state. Other states have limited restrictions, such as requiring that the consultation itself occur within the state. The authors conclude that pathogists who either send cases out to consultants in other states or who serve as consultants to out-of-state pathologists should familiarize themselves with the medical licensure laws of the states from which they either send or receive cases. In a November 2014 letter to the editor, Edward O Cousineau, JD, deputy executive director of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, wrote that "the representations in the article, related to how Nevada law applies to out-of-state licensed specialists, are erroneous". In the article, Nevada was represented as being in the category which allows for an out-of-state licensed physician to practice medicine in consultation with an in-state licensed physician, with the additional stipulation that the consultation must occur within the state boundaries. Mr. Cousineau, in representing the Nevada Board, stated that Nevada allows out-of-state consultations without the stipulation that the consultation must occur within state boundaries. Given Nevada's response to the survey, it may be that more states allow out-of-state consultation than the article indicates. Unfortunately, however, the article may have resulted in the unnecessary restriction of certain out-of-state consultations by cautious department chairs
Please comment if you have been impacted by these state licensure issues when either consulting out of state or seeking a consultation from an out-of-state neuropathologist. I'm sure your colleagues would be interested in hearing your story.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Neuropathology Goes Hollywood: "Concussion" Opens in Theaters December 2015
Dr. Bennet Omalu, the first neuropathologist to draw a connections between playing football and the development of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, is featured in a movie starring Will Smith slated to open in December. Check out the trailer!
Not surprisingly, according to a New York Times report, the National Football League intervened in the making of the film so that the final cut would not vilify the nation's most-watched game.
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Will Smith portraying Bennet Omalu, MD in the movie "Concussion" |
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Best Post of January 2015: Dr. Pierluigi Gambetti steps down as director of national prion surveillance center
The next in our "Best of the Month" series comes from January 5, 2015:
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Pierluigi Gambetti, MD |
"I will be resigning as Director of the National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center effective January 1, 2015. I will continue to be associated with the Center in an advisory position and as consultant for special cases. Dr. Jiri Safar, Associate Professor of Pathology and Neurology at Case Western Reserve University, will be the new director."
Dr. Gambetti goes on to state that the NPDPSC "will remain unchanged", continuing to coordinate autopsies on suspected prion disease cases. Dr. Mark Cohen will continue to have primary responsibility for the histologic and immunohistochemical assessment of cases.
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Neuropathology Blog has run its course. It's been a fantastic experience authoring this blog over many years. The blog has been a source...
Neuropathology Blog has run its course. It's been a fantastic experience authoring this blog over many years. The blog has been a source...
A neuropathology colleague in Toronto (Dr. Phedias Diamandis) is developing some amazing AI-based tools for pathology and academia. He hel...