Monday, July 29, 2013

Children's Oncology Group Seeking Applicants for Young Investigator Program

Dr. Chris Pierson
I heard today from Dr. Christopher Pierson, neuropathologist and vice-chair of Children's Oncology Group Young Investigators. He asked me to share the following announcement about a fantastic program:

The Children’s Oncology Group Young Investigator (COG YI) mentor/mentee program is currently soliciting applications for potential mentees. The purpose of this program is to provide an opportunity for a junior pathologist to work with a senior pathologist and possibly advance toward serving as part of central pathology review for COG protocols and/or serving on COG committees. The program pairs a young investigator with a senior member of the COG pathology discipline who provides mentorship to the young investigator while executing a research project based on a tumor type or topic of mutual interest. YI mentees are expected to present their progress at the yearly fall COG meeting. The program does not fund specific research projects, but can help direct individuals to other funding sources if needed. Limited funds may or may not be available from COG to defray the cost of travel for mentees to attend yearly COG meetings.

Requirements for potential mentee:         
1.         Children’s Oncology Group (COG) Member
2.         Less than 5 years from completion of fellowship/residency 
3.         Precise area of interest within a specific pediatric tumor
4.         Completed application (see below)

An optimal mentee is an individual with a defined focus in a specific pediatric tumor. Mentees should submit a project proposal related to this area of interest that utilizes resources unique to the COG, such as H+E slides, paraffin sections, tissue microarrays, and in some cases frozen samples.  

This three-year program is aimed to provide guidance to COG young investigators who have matured in their career to a level of interest in one particular pediatric tumor.  Those who are still exploring or examining various subjects within pediatric tumors should not apply. Interested applicants must apply by September 30, 2013.

To apply for the COG YI pathology mentorship program, please prepare the following:
1.      Project proposal (1-2 pages with brief description of background, hypothesis, proposed methods, and brief references).
2.            Curriculum vitae
3.            Letter of support from Department Chair
4.            Documentation of COG membership (can be obtained at the COG website)

Completed applications should be sent to:

Chris Pierson, M.D., Ph.D
COG Pathology Discipline YI Liaison
Vice-Chair, COG YI Committee

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